Friday, April 08, 2005

Mapping to the power of X

Sometimes I stumble upon things I find really cool on the Internet, and I like to share those findings with the world at large... which probably already knows about it, merely confirming my own un-hipness.

So tonight's "you probably already know about this, but..." site is Google maps. Before you say you've seen Mapquest and understand how those work, I advise you look at this map for Wrigley Field in Chicago.

It actually shows you a satellite view of whatever you're looking at. It's somewhere between really cool and really creepy, as you can do this to some extent for any map in the world.

It also has typical road maps too, and the ability to search for stuff. It really flies on my cable modem connection; I make no promises for the dial-up crowd.

This thing reminds me a lot of those government spy thrillers, where they're zooming in on the bad guy, screen by screen, until they can see him. Except they don't have zooms that close... yet.

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