Thursday, June 30, 2005

You and your beautiful soul

There are still good people out there, those people who are thoughtful and selfless. You forget that sometimes, as you deal with person after person with agendas and motives they keep hidden just below the surface.

Take the story of Krystal Byrne, a local 19-year-old woman with leukemia. I think most people could understand if she were a little selfish, with life or death on the line. Instead, this is what she said:
Krystal Byrne recognized the odds of finding a donor were slim. Out of 6 million people in the national bone marrow registry, she didn’t positively match with anyone. She remained optimistic as another friendly stranger walked through the door, eager to be tested.

“Whether they’re saving my life or someone else’s, someone in this building will be a hero to someone,” she said.
Every so often, even a cynical, sarcastic old goat like me can be reminded that angels still walk among us.

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