Friday, September 23, 2005

Hatcing another pun-laden story

I went back to the pun factory the other day as the infamous chicken citation case came to a close. See "Judge cracks egg-cruciating controversy," or, as the headline in the newspaper said, "Judge cries fowl, dismisses nuisance case."
This story churned up something of an interesting debate in my mind. How much should you count on your local newspaper to entertain you? Is it possible to entertain and inform at the same time? Is it ethical?

These are intriguing questions. My thought is that you can't make fun of a story unless someone on either side is willing to do so too. In this case, people on both sides understand it's a silly thing about which to fight. There are larger, more important issues in the world.

But at its heart, it's a story that applies to everyone... What can you do with your own property? What rights do you give up to be a good neighbor? What rights do a village or city have to control what you do with your private property?

Personally, I'm glad I went the pun route. For one, I don't get to be funny in print very often ever since I moved out of sports. For two, I think the silliness of the writing made people read all the way through and think about the issues. If I'd played it straight, I really doubt it ever would've gotten as much statewide attention as it did.

And really, isn't making people want to read the story and learn about their world my job? If it takes a chicken pun or two to do it, so be it.

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