Sunday, July 02, 2006

Boiling over...

I'm steamed. I'm hot. I'm boiling over...

I'm not mad, though. I'm just plain warm. I'm seeing the real downside to living with someone who prefers warmth to coolness.

The Future Mrs. Trinko and I have varying ideas on what's an appropriate temperature. She's happy around 80 (or higher). I'm happy around 73. Talk about your seven degrees of separation.

You never realize how much of a difference a couple degrees can make until you're in this situation. All through the winter, I was able to handle the differences by simply taking my coat off while we were in the car.

I've found the corrolary doesn't work in the summertime. There's really only so much you can take off before it becomes a problem. I haven't yet discovered a way to take my own skin off for the cooling effects.

I hadn't really ever thought about how different your life is with a little bit of discomfort. It makes you irritable, though. It also makes your neck sore, your head ache and the days seem endlessly frustrating.

Some day I'll understand why our temperatures are so different. In the mean time, I'll try to suffer through it with plenty of cold beverages and as good of an attitude as I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's one of the very few arguments Tom and I have on a pretty regular basis, the indoor climate of our home. When it's 95 degrees outside he says it's snowing in the house... apparently he thinks I keep the air conditioning running too much. Like that's a bad thing? :-(