Monday, July 16, 2007

Playing hooky

Today I'm playing hooky from work, sort of.
It's a planned day off, since I worked Saturday night. But still, it's 8 a.m. and I'm still wearing my pajamas, so it seems like something nefarious must be going on here.
It sort of reminds me of those care-free days of summer when you're in elementary or high school. You wake up when you feel like it, and you do what you feel like.
That "what you feel like" part is what amuses me. Back in those days I'd watch TV or go visit a friend. Today's list seems more like chores...
- Move a couple more items over here from the old house
- Get the computer in the basement to work with the wireless router for Internet use
- Weed-whack the yard, since only the weeds seem to be growing lately
- File old bills in the office, with the possibility of grabbing the really old bills and putting 'em in boxes.
What an exciting life I lead...

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