Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Friends like these, who needs enemas?

For about the last week, I've been kicking into nasty coughing fits and feeling bad in a number of physical ways. Many of these I choose not to be graphic about on here but, suffice it to say, they're not pleasant.

After a particularly symphonic coughing fit, one of my cohorts in the office starting diagnosing. She mentioned an article we'd had in our newspaper about a mysterious strand of meningitis spreading in a D.C. suburb (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A53394-2004Jun18.html).

She started reading through the symptoms. Our design editor started drawing great big imaginary checkmarks in the air as she went through them.

* Severe headaches? Check.
* A stiff neck? Check.
* Drowsiness? Check.
* Confusion? Check.
* Nausea? Check.
* Vomiting? Check.

Then she read the cause: Direct contact with bodily fluids.

"Nope, that can't be it then."

There's nothing like supportive coworkers. And these are nothing like supportive coworkers. heh.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't a trip to the doctor eleviate your co-workers concerns? You could always call your big sister and let her diagnose you from a distance! Get better soon!

Anonymous said...

It might be better to get a Mother's opinion before dealing with your coworkers. Mothers will make you feel better or make you feel guilty for not getting better quickly enough. Hope you shared with your coworker. Get well soon.