Sunday, December 26, 2004

Remember me?

It's been a while since I've updated this blog. For that I have many regrets, since I've had a lot going on in my mind lately.

It's not even that I haven't had time to do it. I'm just lazy.

So here's the quick update. If you're looking for the regular cynicism that's followed me for years, you ought to look elsewhere. This is pretty upbeat stuff.

* I love my new job. I'm not going to say every minute of every day is full of ecstasy and joy. But for the most part, I don't mind what I'm writing about. I'm enjoying meeting all the new people on my beat (everything that happens in Putnam County, Ohio). And I like writing more than designing or editing.

* I love my new hours. Sure, I have to work a night or two a week. Big whoop. I used to work 70 or 80 hours a week at the old job. I'm sticking pretty solidly with the 40 hours a week (or 32 for these holiday weeks), and I'm getting everything done. I'm happy with that.

* I love my new apartment. Silly as it sounds, the best thing here is the electric heat with separate thermostats in each room. I'm a notorious cheap-skate. I'm able to keep the rooms I use all the time, such as the bedroom and living room, nice and toasty. Then I was able to turn my extra bedroom into something of an office/workout room, which I keep cold except when I'm using the room. It's a miser's dream come true.

* I had a great Christmas. For most of the day, I came out of my shell a little bit. I reverted somewhat later in the day when the number of kids and number of adults was at its peak, as I'm overwhelmed by large groups that I can't talk over. But I think we got through a second holiday without any major feelings hurt and without pushing anyone to tears. That's a good thing. Presents-wise... well, I'm too old to do this for the presents. But the little bit I got was nice.

* Hobbies. With the glut of free time as a result of not working so darned much, I have more free time. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it. I'm considering taking up a musical instrument. I'm leaning toward the guitar or piano, since my musical leanings (blues, rock and country) could all use those.

That should do it for now. I'll probe deeper into my head soon. I've been spending a lot of time thinking about why I'm so stubborn on some things. That should be a fun one for the whole family...

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