Saturday, January 01, 2005

The dawn of something new

Contrary to yesterday's blog, apparently the world didn't end tonight as I feared it might. What a relief. Instead, I merely imbibed in a few adult beverages at my sister's house for the New Year's Eve holiday.

It was a good time. The only trouble with New Year's Eve is you spend some time reflecting on the year you'd had. To be perfectly honest, 2004 was a hard year for me. It was extremely lonely and sad at points. It had some good moments work-wise but also included a stint in Delaware that is best left described as "unsatisfying." No one's happier to have that year off the books than I am.

The party reminded me of that. It was a great time, but it was a Noah's Ark party. Everyone came through the door, two by two, ready to mate. The only two single people there were me and my friend who came with me. Everyone else was married or appeared to be well on their way toward it.

These aren't bad things in and of themselves. But they're hard on the young, single guys who see one more year slipping away from them. They're difficult for results-oriented people who can say, "That's what I want" and not know how to get there.

My entire immediate family showed up for this event. The realization really hit home that I'm the last of the seven children without anyone serious in my life. [I'd settle for someone comedic at this point.] It's a harsh reality when the ball drops and you look around for someone to hold, only to realize there's no one there. Somehow a hug and a peck on the cheek from a sister isn't the same.

So here's to 2005. May it be the dawn of something new. May it be a year full of possibilities fulfilled. May it be the year you look back on and say, "That might've been the best year of my life."

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