Thursday, March 10, 2005

Finding your way

The snow began piling up on the road again tonight, challenging the drivers to do their best to stay on the right path.

A funny trend happens when the heavy downfall is fresh, before a plow can come by to show the way. Each person follows the tracks set forth ahead of them, hopeful they lead to the destination. Each person prays the person in front knows where to go and how to get there, even though the odds are just as good they could lead you into a ditch.

Every so often, I like to look up from the path set before me and look at my guides. While you drive, you can see the mailboxes on the side of the rural roads, reminding you where the road should take you. Often you'll think you're safely in your own lane, doing what you must do, when you'll look up at the mailboxes and realize you're dangerously close to straying left of center.

How often do we all do this in our lives? How often do we stare at the path ahead of us and blindly follow it without thinking about where it goes or who put it there before us? How often do we look up to our guideposts on either side to remind ourselves to stay centered?

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