Sunday, May 22, 2005

Three Doors Down

Recently discovered that "Three Doors Down" isn't just the name of a band... it's also the worst possible way to move.

My brother, his fiancee and her kids are moving down the street from one home to another. In general, you might expect a short move to be an easier move for the hired guns, such as myself, to move items.

In general, that might be true. But there are some things you might not think about relocating unless you were only moving a few doors down. Take, for instance, a treated-lumber jungle gym for the kids.

It was a thing of beauty, and I'm sure the children loved it. But that puppy was heavy. We tore it down into several pieces, yet it still wore us down.

I have a feeling my arms are going to be sore for a number of days from when we tried to detach the wood holding the swings from the remainder of this piece of playground equipment. It was easy to hold it up... until it became detached, at which point you realize just how heavy-duty this thing must've been.

But, to put a smiley face on the whole day, everything that needed moved got moved... I fulfilled my brotherly duty of helping out... and I got a free sandwich out of the deal. All in all, not a horrible way to spend a Saturday.

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