Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I don't do "sick" very well. I've never been one to take a day off from school, or from work, or from life, or from anyplace, really. I generally like to keep doing whatever I should be doing, no matter how miserable I might feel.

That's been difficult the last two days, though, as I suffer through this same rotten cold everyone else in Ohio seems to have right now. Just 10 or 15 minutes of walking around at a time leaves me feeling genuinely exhausted. I took nearly six hours' worth of naps today after sleeping for nearly 11 hours last night. Even for a man who admits he likes sleep, that's a lot.

The hardest part is admitting some microscopic organism can get the best of you. It's hard 'fessing up that clogged sinuses can wipe out you balance and leave you weak in the knees. It stinks admitting you're not up to full capacity.

It does make you appreciate your body more, though. Feeling so achy and sore and stiff reminds me that I should take better advantage of my flexibility and balance when I'ma ble. I should enjoy the ability to run around and have fun. I should enjoy the ability to run up and down the stairs without getting completely exhausted.

All that having been said, it's been nearly an hour since my most recent nap attempt, and I'm exhausted. Time to hit the hay again, in hopes of health when I revive.

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