Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Pickup lines

While surfing the Web tonight, I stopped by "The Most Complete and Most Useless Collection of Pick-Up Lines." I was looking for some ideas... err, entertainment.

This amusing little Web site lists all of the bad pickup lines ever used. It also has categories claiming successes. You take it for what it's worth.

Here are a few that amused me:
- Rejection can lead to emotional stress for both parties involved and emotional stress can lead to physical complications such as headaches, ulcers, cancerous tumors, and even death! So for my health and yours, JUST SAY YES!
- Be unique and different, say yes.
- Help the homeless. Take me home with you.
- Pardon me miss, I seem to have lost my phone number, could I borrow yours?
- Are you accepting applications for your fan club?

As for me, well, I've never tried using a pickup line before. Given my fine record of success, maybe I shold try.

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