Saturday, October 09, 2004


I'm sitting in the press box at Ohio Stadium as we speak. The Ohio State Marching Band just finished up the "Script Ohio," and lined up in a big tunnel to greet the Ohio State football team.

The team ran in here, and the 101,000-plus fans in the stadium went nuts. Even though I'm insulated from the noise, it was still deafening to hear them roar as the Buckeyes came onto the field. From in here, it had the sound of a small jet engine flying by here.

As quickly as the cheers began, the noise turned into boos as Wisconsin wandered onto the field.

The National Anthem began, as a team of Marines helped hoist the enormous American Flag up the pole in front and left of me from my seat near the closed end of the end zone. It always sends shivers up my spine to hear that song. So much emotion in it. As the song concludes, I finished my only pregame ritual, clapping my hands twice before slapping my flat left hand onto my right fist.

It's game time. I believe in heaven, and I believe in the concept of your own personal heaven. My heaven would have a view like this and a football game that mattered for the rest of my life. If this were really my life, I'd be so happy.

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