Sunday, October 17, 2004

Random thoughts

It's been the kind of day that, even though nothing happened, I could easily generate five or six blog entries. Sometimes it's easier to say something about nothing than to talk about something. (See Exhibit A: The last three weeks of my last relationship).

* Sleep. I absolutely love sleeping. I've always known I enjoyed it, but I never knew how much until I started a job where the alarm sounded at 5:30 a.m. After staying up to about 3 a.m. Friday due to a rough night of work and an hour to come down from it, I slept until 12:30 p.m. It was wonderful. Sleep is so stressless. You're not worrying about the woes of your life. You're not anxious about how today will be better or worse than yesterday. You merely rest.

* Pretty girls. A college girl came by today to sell magazines. If she were younger, I'd tell her I wasn't interested. If she were male, I'd tell her to buzz off. She was pretty, and she said she was 18, so I bought magazines from her. I invited her in and bought magazines from her, giving her enough that she said she'd get her bonus and get to go home and return to college. This is where I'd get in trouble: She mentioned she was thirsty, so I offered her what I have: Milk, beer and Dr Pepper. It reminded me how old I've become. I'd forgotten some adults can't drink beer.

* What are you working for? I saw this ad, I assume for an insurance or investment company, that asked the question, "What are you working for?" Its message was we work for our families, to provide for them and take care of them. I don't have a family of my own yet, and I've already paid off my college debts. So it made me wonder... what AM I working for?

* Wet T-shirts. I went to a place called the Red Rock Cafe tonight, hoping to integrate into the social scene. I hate going out alone. I always have. Tonight was no different. I stuck around for three frosty cold beverages and witnessed an amusing contest, where female contestants each bent under a stick that held a hot dog in the quest for who could bite off the most hot dog. (There are perverse implications you'd better not consider.) Then they started talking about having a wet T-shirt contest among the rather attractive clientelle there. Another clue you're not in college anymore: You're not interested in a wet T-shirt contest.

* Good friends. This one belongs on Friday, but oh well. I took my friend Jeremy to the airport so he could fly to California to visit his girlfriend, who is out there on business. On the way home, I got to thinking. I bring a lot of friends to airports. I stop by a lot of houses to check on pets or pick up mail. I hear a lot of innermost thoughts and ideas. I'm entrusted with a lot. I feel lucky to be other people's good friend. I think that's a good thing. I think that's proof that I was raised well and am a good person.

I also should write about the disappointments of online dating tonight, but I'll share that for another time when I'm not chuckling at the way life works.

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