Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Dinner with dad

Eventually you hit a point where your parents' nurturing isn't quite as necessary as it once was. You no longer need them to provide your next meal, your next pair of shoes or a reassuring word after falling off your bike.

In independence, though, you can find an even greater dependence on your parents, emotionally speaking.

One of the perks of being back near family is the resurgence of dinners with my dad. We'll often go out for a bite, just the two of us. You'd be amazed what a good friend a parent can be.

It's nice to slip out of the traditional roles of father and son and try to speak more as peers. We each have different perspectives on issues, with some 30 years between us and how we see things.

The beauty of it is it's one-on-one. It's not a regular family crowd, but just two guys going out for a bite.

Everyone should try to get to know their parents on some different level. It's reminds you what's really important about family.

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