Friday, August 27, 2004

Hair today, gone tomorrow

It's safe to say I'm not one who changes things abruptly without careful consideration. I'm relatively conservative in dress, appearance and even diet. So, to anyone who knows me well, it'd take an act of God to get me to change my hairstyle.

Or maybe it'd just take an act of loneliness. Three times in the past three weeks, I've heard women tell me I'd be extremely attractive if I updated my look a little bit. After all, I've had the same hairstyle for as long as I can remember. I'm not so sure I wasn't born with that hairstyle. I've been wearing the same type of wire-frame, big-lens glasses since abandoning the thick, brown-frame look in sixth grade.

So Wednesday I finally did something abrupt. I got my hair cut off. Almost entirely.

Gone are the bangs and what some friends nicknamed the "sweep," the little wave generated by years of pushing the bangs from my left to my right. [I still try to push it occasionally.] Gone is most of the hair on the sides and back. Gone is a lot of the hair on the top. It closely resembles a military crew cut, really.

It's pretty dramatic. I'm not entirely sure I like it, but I entrusted myself to a female barber [barberette?] and told her I'd go with whatever she thought would look good on me. Now that the sides are growing in a little bit, I'm beginning to see the benefits.

It's amazing how much teasing a haircut can generate. Reminds me of elementary school, where people taunted you every time you had your ears lowered. Mostly it's a shock to them. It was something of a shock to me, the first time I saw it too.

The next step comes Monday, when I go in for a much-needed vision exam. I'm about ready to try something more stylish there too.

Those ladies better come a-callin' now...

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