Friday, August 13, 2004

Paper towels

I'm notoriously cheap. I tend to use and reuse things until they're completely unusable, mostly because I'm too cheap to buy a new one. Once soap gets into that unbelievably tiny size where it wants to slide down the drain, I put it off to the side with other tiny pieces of soap, hoping one day to mold them into a useable piece of soap.

That having been said, I think I've seen an organization even cheaper than me. And I couldn't be prouder of them.

In the newspaper world, you're never quite sure what to do with the "end rolls," which is a fancy name for the little bit of paper left at the end. A lot of papers will sell it to the public for something like 25 cents a pound. People in the public might use it for packing, or drawing, or creating three copies of their own newspaper... who knows.

The Delaware Gazette discovered another use for it. They hang the remaining part of the roll in the men's restroom... instead of paper towels. You rip off however much high-quality paper stock you need to dry your hands.

I couldn't be prouder to work here. As they say in those Guiness commercials, "Brilliant!"

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