Saturday, September 04, 2004

Bathroom humor

I'm covering my first Ohio State football game today for the Brown News Service, a fancy name for me doing it for my paper and sharing it with a bunch of others.

This one's for the adults only... so youngsters under 13, you probably should go elsewhere for this blog entry.

I'm standing in the restroom here, doing what you do in a restroom, when former Buckeyes coach John Cooper walks into the room and stands a couple urinals past mine. He looks back over at the handicapped urinal to my right.

He grins and says to me, "I don't know if that one's for a really short guy or a guy with a really long dick."

I joked about standing there just to brag. He told me he coudln't pull it off himself -- he wasn't equipped for that.

Oddly enough, most Ohio State fans would disagree and say John Cooper was a big dick.

Interesting first meeting, and somewhat better than Virginia's Al Groh looking at me like I was an idiot for asking him anything.

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