Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Moving on

Finally... An offer I couldn't refuse.

Tonight I heard back from the good folks at the Delaware (Ohio) Gazette, who were kind enough to offer me a job and bring me back to the great state of Ohio. I said yes and will be going in to work Wednesday to put in my two weeks' notice.

The most popular question seems to be "Why?" It is a smaller newspaper. It is an afternoon newspaper, though, which means the layout takes place during the day instead of night. I'm looking forward to working a schedule that more closely matches the rest of the world. I'm looking forward to living closer to my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews. I'm looking forward to working with my buddy Jeremy again.

I'm excited about the move. There's a lot to do between now and then. My current job will be a little insane between here and there, and it'll take some effort to get far enough ahead there so I can leave without feeling horrible about what I've left behind.

I'm sure I'll feel more sentimental as time goes by, but at this point I'm merely relieved. I've been here two and a half years, plus that year and a half in Georgia. I'm intrigued to see how the state has changed and to get back into that life.

I'm sure I'll be calling and/or e-mailing a number of the folks I know read this with more details as they become available.

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