Tuesday, July 06, 2004


The most excited I've been coming out of a movie in the past 10 years was
walking out of Spider-Man a couple years back. I came out of there feeling
like I could shoot webs out of my wrists.

The most emotionally drained I've been coming out of a movie in the past 10
years was walking out of Spider-Man 2 today. I came out of there feeling
like being a superhero might be even harder than being a sports editor at a
small-town newspaper.

These movies continue to reach into my own hopes and fears and pull
something out. A heavy theme in the new one, aside from a lot of amazing
action sequences, is the inability to be what you want to be due to your
own perceived limitations of life.

The beauty of this movie, on the "analyzing it way too deep" end, is an
implied message at the end. If you let the right people into your life,
they'll continue to love you no matter what you have to do.

I still came out of the movie thinking I could sling webs from my wrist. I
didn't make the same "fssshhht" noises I did the last time I saw a
Spider-Man movie, as I was with my dad and didn't want to visit the local
loonie bin.

And as for the other Spidey ability, climing walls? I have a hunch I might
have that by the end of my week in Ohio. I'm quickly reminded that, as much
as I like seeing all the people, there's something to be said for returning
to your own bed each night and not having to pull clothing out of a dufflebag.

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